
SL-CNWLC03602V2 - Teseo-LIV3F GNSS Prototyping Solution II, SL-CNWLC03602V2, STMicroelectronics

来源:ST官网  作者:ST官网   2021-06-01 阅读:877


Teseo III GNSS modules

Teseo III modules support GNSS integrity messages that monitor the gaps between the LMS-based PT solutions against three active constellations to ensure anti-spoofing and anti-jamming protection. Teseo III GNSS chips and modules also embed a Geofence subsystem able to notify the host if the current position falls inside/outside a set of preprogrammed circles. Teseo-LIV3R modules provide RealTime Assisted GNSS (RT-AGNSS), a server-based Assisted GNSS solution for continuous real-time satellite position determination. While, Teseo-LIV3F modules further provide Autonomous Assisted GNSS features that are able to predICt a device's position based on previous satellite observations.

LSM6DSO - motion sensor

With advanced digital functions, the LSM6DSO boosts performance at 0.55 mA in high-performance mode and enabling "Always-on" low-power features for optimal motion measurements. The LSM6DSO can be configured to generate interrupt signals activated by user-defined motion patterns thanks to up to 16 embedded finite state machines that can be programmed independently for motion detection. Includes an embedded temperature sensor for added accuracy.

LPS22HH - pressure sensor

The world's smallest pressure sensor, the LPS22HH has an integrated first-in first-out (FIFO) buffer allowing the user to store data in order to limit interventions by the host processor and save energy. It features a Data-Ready signal which indicates when a new set of measured data is available, simplifying data synchronization. Available in a 2 x 2 mm full-mold, holed LGA package, the LPS22HH can communicate with applications via an SPI or I²C interface.

LIS2DW12 - accelerometer

With ultra-low power consumption, the highly configurable LIS2DW12 features user-selectable full scales, embedded self-test capability and a dedicated internal engine to process motion and acceleration data when tracking assets subject to sharp acceleration events such as falling, sliding, and impacts or collisions.

HTS221 - humidity and temperature sensor

This ultra-compact sensor embeds a highly accurate, factory-calibrated sensing element and features a programmable output data rate for monitoring critical humidity and temperature threshold values, which is especially important in applications such as cold chain shipments.





